Saturday, April 23, 2016

Making the Match by Teri Lesesne Chapters 8 - 10

Lesesne, T. (2003).  Making the match.  Portland, Maine: Stenhouse.
PART 3: Making the Match

1.       Chapter  8 -10

a.       Key concepts

                                                               i.      Reading aloud requires the 3 P’s: preview, practice, and personalize.

                                                             ii.      Do not use any kind of assessment after a read aloud.  It is for enjoyment.

                                                            iii.      A booktalk is a personal introduction to a book like a test drive.

                                                           iv.      Components of a good booktalk include knowing the audience, connecting the book, read the books, plan how to connect the books (use post-it notes or notepad), and plan the presentation.

                                                             v.      Use a variety of genres in each presentation.

                                                           vi.      Hook each book together.

                                                          vii.      Get their attention quickly.

                                                        viii.      Reading serially can also mean reading from one genre or one author.

                                                           ix.      Audio books and e-books can help kids who do not have time to read or those with reading disabilities.

b.      Future applications

                                                               i.      I need to be reading to all of my library classes, even the young adult (4-5 grade classes).  I need to look more closely at books that will keep their interests and not get the groan or eye roll.  I like the idea of the “read and tease.”

                                                             ii.      I can use a binder or spiral for the students to list the books that I had read aloud or did a “read and tease” and their reactions to each of them.  They need to devise a rating scale.

                                                            iii.      Make sure that I follow the three P’s before doing a book talk.

                                                           iv.      Start book talks with a read aloud to calm me down and to hook the audience.

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