Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New Semester...Different books

As a librarian, I realize that I need to look at and be familiar with many types of books.  However, I usually try to focus on children's literature for much of my reading.  After all, I am a librarian at a K-5th grade campus. 

This semester will be an exception.  I will be reading a varied and interesting list of Young Adult books mostly assigned by my graduate professors. Many of these books are controversial in one way or another.  Most of them you would NEVER find in an elementary library setting.  They cover many topics that face our youth, our teens, our college bound, MY BABIES!!!

My blended family consists of 5 wonderfully different and amazing children.  (I am not bias in any way!) As a parent of a 14 year old girl, a 13 year old boy, a 12 year old boy, a 10 year old girl, and a 9 year old boy, I had a difficult time grasping that these "babies" are growing into the target age bracket for these books.  Books on sex, failure, bullying, school stress, and many other more adult themes can't be the ones for my babies.  But they are...

I have managed to read 10 of these books before this semester had even begun.  I realize that this semester is going to be an interesting journey for me as a librarian and a parent.

Let the book blog/reviews begin...

Happy reading!!!

(SPOILER ALERT Warning - as per the directions of my assignment, the next 25 book reviews will contain a summary containing details of the books and their endings).

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