Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Final Reflection

This semester has been an interesting journey for me.  I started taking classes toward my Master's degree this summer.  I hadn't been in school in 8 years.  I was a fast and furious process. Throw in my wedding and honeymoon, visitation with the step kids...it was crazy to say the least.  This semester has been almost as crazy.  I started my new career as a library media specialist at an elementary campus (K-5th).  I have had my ups and downs with classes and work.  I have enjoyed learning the new technology, while also working in a library.  I try to incorporate as much as I can into my program while I am learning about it. 
My favorite technology aspect that I learned this year is screencasts.  I have always wondered how they do those in my trainings.  The two that I made for the blogs will go on my website at some point. Playing with social media sites was interesting as well.  I am a Facebook junkie; I admit.  I need to spend more time off of the site.  I enjoy seeing the tweets from leading people in my field, but I still haven't become a huge Twitter fan.   Until I started these courses, I had never read a blog much less written one.  I do like blogging.  Having my blogs all in one place with the blog reader is extremely helpful.  Hopefully, when I have more time (after graduation) I will be able to read them. Along with building a better library website, I have plans to start a library blog.  Here I will be able to add (embed) the items that I want to students and parents to see...book trailers, book reviews, recorded lessons, etc...The book collection sites were really eye opening.  I had only heard and used one (LibraryThing) up to this point.  I like the fact that I can read reviews from everyone, not just critics and publishers.  I am really excited about incorporating QR codes into the library.  I need to get the technology (iPads) for the students to be able to use them, but I do plan on adding them in.  I hope to make a QR scavenger hunt for the beginning of the year next school year.  The online comics were fun as well.  I like to run stations in my library.  I hope to have iPads later in the year.  I will do a screencast explaining to them how to use. it and them allow them to summarize a book we read.  I really think they will enjoy working with them.   
My biggest frustration was getting technology to corporate.  There were many times that I had to ask my husband to help me figure out how to embed an item onto the blog or why a certain program was not working correctly.  He has helped me to learn many troubleshooting items that has saved me for turning things in late or incomplete. 
The biggest technology problem I has was on the podcast assignment.  I couldn't get the sound to play back.  I ended up having to use a laptop and the mic it came with versus my desktop and the expensive pair of gaming head phones we have. The infographic assignment had me pulling my hair out.  Whether it was the website or a slow internet connection, I struggled for hours putting something together that should have only taken 30 minutes.  Also, I wished that the assignments were due on Saturdays.  Between family and a full time job, having Saturdays to work on assignments would have help tremendously. 
Overall, this class has been entertaining and useful.  I love learning new technology.  I feel the skills I have learned in this class will help me be more of a resource for my staff and students. I can't pick just one that I feel will be the most useful for my students.   I hope to use these skills/programs to build a great website that can changed to meet the needs of all my students. 


  1. I'm still not a huge Twitter fan also. I'm like you...I'll follow people but I don't really post. I hope you get your iPads!

  2. I really like using the screencast as well. I feel that it will be beneficial to me and my students.

  3. The technology was sometimes frustrating, especially when trying to embed it into my blog. I learned a lot as well and hope to use some of the easier applications with my second graders.

  4. I'm like you, some assignments had me "pulling my hair out" as well. After 20 years out of the classroom, this was definitely a new challenge for me, but well worth it. I've acquired so much new knowledge that I know I will include in my future job as a librarian. I too enjoyed the Screencasts, they are not as hard to do as they appear. Not too used to Twitter either. I would've also preferred assignments due on Saturdays,

  5. Very good points. Saturday due dates would help a lot! I too do a lot following or stalking as my kids call it! I feel like a lot of people post useless information and I'm more of a post with a purpose type of Twitter and Facebook user. Good luck with your classes and Happy Holidays!

  6. I agree it has been useful....I like learning new technology...The screencast was fun to make!!
